Hello everyone,

This is the first issue of our new quarterly newsletter. The purpose of the newsletter is to inform our clients and industry friends of updates, changes, and trends related to CES, regulations, and the EHS industry in general. We hope you find the newsletter informative, helpful, and a worthwhile read.

WE ARE GROWING! CES continues to grow exponentially and our team has expanded again. We have also moved into larger offices near Milwaukee. The newest addition to our team is Cody Alf. Cody has a masters degree in Environmental Sciences with an emphasis in Chemistry. Cody has prior industry experience in developing sustainable waste management programs, lab packs, and industrial project services. Cody’s experience and work ethic are a valued addition to our team and will help us continue to provide the industry’s best services to all our clients.


Regulatory Review

Episodic Event Hazardous Waste Generation

On September 1st, 2020 Wisconsin adopted the federal Generator Improvements Rule. A component of this rule allows Very Small Quantity Generators (VSQG’s) and Small Quantity Generators (SQG’s) of hazardous waste, to maintain their current generator status, if they generate hazardous waste more than their normal generation rate due to a planned or unplanned episodic event.

An episodic event is an activity that does not normally occur during your regular operations and that generates enough hazardous waste that it would affect your generator status. Examples of episodic events include storage tank cleanouts, production equipment maintenance, removal of excess chemical inventories, spills, product recalls, and other events.

Some requirements of being eligible to participate in the episodic event rule are the generator must have or obtain an EPA ID #, the WDNR must be notified and there are time requirements for the notification, you are allowed one episodic event per calendar year unless you petition for a second event, among other requirements.

This rule can be very beneficial in certain situations for VSQG and SQG facilities. It is very important you work with a competent group like CES to make sure all requirements are being met. Do not let an episodic event change your generator status if it can be avoided.

Industry Trends

It would not surprise us if most of our clients are not aware the chemical waste management industry is slowly recovering from several events that had significant implications for the Midwest and beyond. The effects of COVID, annual cement kiln outages, some disposal facilities stopping accepting shipments, all impacted the efficiency at which the industry operates.

CES is proud to share that through these trying times we did not have to cancel one single shipment. Our strong relationships with our vendors and the strategies and contingency plans we implement for our clients helped maintain the responsive and reliable services we strive to provide.

The industry is recovering from the effects of these events, but it will take potentially several more months until things get back to “normal”. As always, the team at CES is working hard to ensure your program operates as efficiently and cost-effectively as possible.

Oil Absorbent Solutions

CES is a distributor of a wide variety of absorbent products. From spill kits to rolls, pads, booms, or more, we offer several different options to fit different situations and budgets. CES works directly with the manufacturer of the absorbent products to provide high quality products at low prices. We also offer used absorbent recycling and disposal services providing you with an efficient, cost-effective, and sustainable solution for all your absorbent needs. If you are interested in learning more about our absorbent solutions, please contact your account manager.